Bake off redux: a review and experimental evaluation of recent time series classification algorithms

This is the webpage and repo package to support the paper “Bake off redux: a review and experimental evaluation of recent time series classification algorithms” published in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.

Our results files are stored here.

The datasets Covid3Month_disc, FloodModeling1_disc, FloodModeling2_disc and FloodModeling3_disc have been fixed since the original pre-print. Unfortunately Table 1 and Table C4 retain some values from the previous versions of these datasets.
The correct test set sizes are 61, 202, 201 and 184 respectively for Table 1, and the correct accuracy values for Table C4 can be found here. Please use the updated datasets and results in any paper sourcing results from this publication.


The 112 UCR archive datasets are available at the datasets page.

The 30 new datasets will be uploaded to in due course. For now, we provide the following link:


To install the latest version of the package with up-to-date algorithms, run:

pip install tsml-eval

To install the package at the time of publication, run:

pip install tsml-eval==0.2.1

Not all estimator dependencies are installed by default. You can install these individually as required or use the following dependency groups when installing:

pip install tsml-eval[all_extras,deep_learning]

To install dependency versions used at the time of publication, use the publication requirements.txt:

pip install -r tsml_eval/publications/2023/tsc_bakeoff/static_publication_reqs.txt


Command Line

Run with the following arguments:

  1. Path to the data directory

  2. Path to the results directory

  3. The name of the model to run (see, i.e. R-STSF, HC2, InceptionTime)

  4. The name of the problem to run

  5. The resample number to run (0 is base train/test split)

i.e. to run ItalyPowerDemand using HIVE-COTE V2 on the base train/test split:

python tsml_eval/publications/2023/tsc_bakeoff/ data/ results/ HC2 ItalyPowerDemand 0

Exactly Reproducing Results

To better compare to past results and publications, our results on the 112 UCR datasets use the randomly generated resamples from the Java tsml package. To use these resample with our code, a flag must be toggled in the experiments file main method and individual files for each resample must be present in the data directory. These resamples in .ts file format are available for download here: - 112 UCR datasets using Java tsml resamples

The 30 new datasets used in our experiments use the resampling available by default in our experiments file. An exception to this is ProximityForest, which is implemented in Java and uses the Java resampling as a result.

We provide the resample indices used for each dataset for both Java and Python resamplers here:

Python -

Java -

Java Classifier Implementations

Three of the classifiers used in our comparison were implemented in Java due to a lack of Python implementations which function reliably and are capable of accurately reproducing published results. These classifiers are the ElasticEnsemble, ProximityForest and TS-CHIEF. We use the implementations from the Java tsml package from revisions where they are available. We make two jar files available for download which contain the implementations of these classifiers: - TS-CHIEF and ProximityForest - ElasticEnsemble

These jar files can be run from the command line using the following commands similar to the above Python classifiers:

java -jar tsml-ee.jar -dp=data/ -rp=results/  -cn="FastEE" -dn="ItalyPowerDemand" -f=0


java -jar tsml-forest.jar -dp=data/ -rp=results/ -cn="ProximityForest" -dn="ItalyPowerDemand" -f=0


java -jar tsml-forest.jar -dp=data/ -rp=results/  -cn="TS-CHIEF" -dn="ItalyPowerDemand" -f=0

Using Classifiers

Most of our classifiers are available in the aeon Python package.

The classifiers used in our experiments extend the scikit-learn interface and can also be used like their estimators:

import warnings


from aeon.classification.interval_based import TimeSeriesForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from tsml.datasets import load_minimal_chinatown

from tsml_eval.estimators import SklearnToTsmlClassifier
from tsml_eval.publications.y2023.tsc_bakeoff import _set_bakeoff_classifier
from tsml_eval.utils.estimator_validation import is_sklearn_classifier

Data can be loaded using whichever method is most convenient, but should be formatted as either a 3D numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_channels, n_timesteps) or a list of length (n_samples) containing 2D numpy arrays of shape (n_channels, n_timesteps).

A function is available for loading from .ts files.

# load example classification dataset
X_train, y_train = load_minimal_chinatown("TRAIN")
X_test, y_test = load_minimal_chinatown("TEST")

# data can be loaded from .ts files using the following function
# from tsml.datasets import load_from_ts_file
# X, y = load_from_ts_file("data/data.ts")

print(type(X_train), type(y_train))
print(X_train.shape, y_train.shape)
print(X_test.shape, y_test.shape)
<class 'numpy.ndarray'> <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
(20, 1, 24) (20,)
(20, 1, 24) (20,)
array([[[ 573.,  375.,  301.,  212.,   55.,   34.,   25.,   33.,  113.,
          143.,  303.,  615., 1226., 1281., 1221., 1081.,  866., 1096.,
         1039.,  975.,  746.,  581.,  409.,  182.]],

       [[ 394.,  264.,  140.,  144.,  104.,   28.,   28.,   25.,   70.,
          153.,  401.,  649., 1216., 1399., 1249., 1240., 1109., 1137.,
         1290., 1137.,  791.,  638.,  597.,  316.]],

       [[ 603.,  348.,  176.,  177.,   47.,   30.,   40.,   42.,  101.,
          180.,  401.,  777., 1344., 1573., 1408., 1243., 1141., 1178.,
         1256., 1114.,  814.,  635.,  304.,  168.]],

       [[ 428.,  309.,  199.,  117.,   82.,   43.,   24.,   64.,  152.,
          183.,  408.,  797., 1288., 1491., 1523., 1460., 1365., 1520.,
         1700., 1797., 1596., 1139.,  910.,  640.]],

       [[ 372.,  310.,  203.,  133.,   65.,   39.,   27.,   36.,  107.,
          139.,  329.,  651.,  990., 1027., 1041.,  971., 1104.,  844.,
         1023., 1019.,  862.,  643.,  591.,  452.]]])

Classifiers can be built using the fit method and predictions can be made using predict.

# build a TSF classifier and make predictions
tsf = TimeSeriesForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=0), y_train)
array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 2., 2., 1., 2., 2., 1., 2.,
       2., 2., 2.])

predict_proba can be used to get class probabilities.

array([[0.92, 0.08],
       [0.82, 0.18],
       [0.85, 0.15],
       [0.97, 0.03],
       [0.85, 0.15],
       [0.83, 0.17],
       [0.96, 0.04],
       [0.91, 0.09],
       [0.89, 0.11],
       [0.87, 0.13],
       [0.11, 0.89],
       [0.16, 0.84],
       [0.52, 0.48],
       [0.2 , 0.8 ],
       [0.07, 0.93],
       [0.97, 0.03],
       [0.11, 0.89],
       [0.  , 1.  ],
       [0.  , 1.  ],
       [0.35, 0.65]])

Here we run some of the classifiers from the publication and find the accuracy for them on our example dataset.

classifiers = [

accuracies = []
for classifier_name in classifiers:
    # Select a classifier by name, see for options
    classifier = _set_bakeoff_classifier(classifier_name, random_state=0)

    # if it is a sklearn classifier, wrap it to work with time series data
    if is_sklearn_classifier(classifier):
        classifier = SklearnToTsmlClassifier(
            classifier=classifier, concatenate_channels=True, random_state=0

    # fit and predict, y_train)
    y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)
    accuracies.append(accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))

[0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.85]

Classifier Parameters




Warping window: Full


Warping window: Full, Subsequence length: 30


Neighbourhood size limit: 0.1, Parameter size limit: 0.5


Number of trees: 100, Number of splits: 5


Classifier: SVM with CV, kernel: SINK, d: max(min(n * 0.4), 100), 3), f: 0.99


Classifier: Random Forest with 500 trees


Classifier: Random Forest with 500 trees, Truncation depth: 4, Window: dyadic with depth 3


Classifier: Random Forest with 500 trees, Parameter set: efficient, Feature extraction: FRESH


Classifier: Rotation Forest with 200 trees, Parameter set: comprehensive


Number of trees: 100, Shapelets per node: 10


n_shapelet_samples: 10000, max_shapelets: min(10 * n, 1000)


Feature selection strategy: RS, Features per representation: 500, Candidate features per representation: 2000, SAX transformers: 0, SFA Transformers: 5


Number of shapelets: 10000, Normalization chance: 0.8, Alpha similarity: 0.5


Number of trees: 500, Intervals per tree: sqrt(m)


Number of trees: 500, ACF lags: 100


Number of trees: 500, Intervals per tree: sqrt(m)*sqrt(d), Attributes per tree: 8, Max interval length: m/2


Number of trees: 500, Intervals per representation (rm=representation length): 4+(sqrt(rm)*sqrt(d))/3, Attributes per tree: 10, Max interval length: m/2


Number of trees: 500


Classifier: Extra trees with 500 trees, Interval extraction runs: 50


Classifier: Extra trees with 200 trees, Interval depth: 6, Quantile divisor: 4


Max ensemble size: 500, Accuracy threshold: 0.92


Parameter sets sampled: 250, Max ensemble size: 50


Parameter sets sampled: 250, Max ensemble size: 50


Classifier: Logistic regression, Alphabet size: 4, Feature selection threshold: 0.05


Classifier: Logistic regression, Alphabet size: 2, Max feature count: 30000


Classifier: Ridge with cross-validation, Number of kernels: 10000


Ensemble size: 25, Number of kernels: 2000


Classifier: Ridge with cross-validation, Number of kernels: 10000


Classifier: Ridge with cross-validation, Number of kernels: 10000


Classifier: Ridge with cross-validation, Number of groups: 64, Kernels per group: 8,


Classifier: Ridge with cross-validation, MR kernels: 10000, g: Hydra groups, Hydra kernels per group: 8,


Average pooling size: 3, Batch size: 16, Kernel size: 7, Number of epochs: 2000, Number of layers: 2


Batch size: 64, Number of layers: 3, Number of epochs: 1500, n_residual_blocks: 3


Ensemble size: 5, Batch size: 64, Inception modules: 6, Kernel size: 40, Max pooling size: 3, Number of epochs: 1500, Number of layers: 3, Inception filters: 32


Ensemble size: 5, Batch size: 64, Inception modules: 6, Kernel size: 40, Max pooling size: 3, Number of epochs: 1500, Number of layers: 3, Inception filters: 32


Ensemble size: 5, Batch size: 64, Kernel size: 40, Number of epochs: 1500, Inception filters: 32


Number of trees: 500, EE splitters: 5, RISE splitters: 100, BOSS splitters: 100


Alpha: 4


Alpha: 4


Classifier: Extra trees with 500 trees, Number of intervals: sqrt(m) * sqrt(d) * 15 + 5, Number of shapelets: sqrt(m) * 200 + 5

Generated using nbsphinx. The Jupyter notebook can be found here. binder